MCQ Question Bank on Indian Penal Code for Exams [500+ Objective Questions with Answers]- Part 4
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For Question No. 201 to 300, click here.
301. Personating public servant is dealt under-
A. Section 169 of IPC
B. Section 170 of IPC
C. Section 171 of IPC
D. Section 172 of IPC
Ans. B
302. Bribery is dealt under-
A. Section 167 E of IPC
B. Section 168 E of IPC
C. Section 169 E of IPC
D. Section 171 E of IPC
Ans. D
303. Personation at an election is dealt under-
A. Section 171 F of IPC
B. Section 172 F of IPC
C. Section 173 F of IPC
D. Section 174 F of IPC
Ans. A
304. Wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot, if rioting be not committed is dealt under-
A. Section 151 of IPC
B. Section 152 of IPC
C. Section 153 of IPC
D. Section 154 of IPC
Ans. C
305. Z is thrown from his horse and is insensible. A, a surgeon, finds out that Z requires to be trepanned. A, not intending Z’s death, but in good faith for Z’s benefit, performs the trepan before Z recovers his power of judging for himself.
A. A has committed offence
B. A has committed no offence
C. A has committed culpable homicide
D. both (A) and (C)
Ans. B
306. Mr. V, an appellant is an owner of a house in City A. The wife of the first respondent Y, was tenant of a part of the first floor in that house. On January 17, 1966, one R a servant of the appellant, called the wife of the first respondent a thief and Halkat. On the following day, the first respondent slapped R on his face which was followed by heated exchange of abusive words and between the first respondent and the appellant’s husband.
The first respondent was annoyed and threw at the appellant’s husband a file of papers. The file did not hit the appellant’s husband, but it hit the elbow of the appellant causing a scratch. The appellant lodged information to the police complaining that the first respondent had committed a house trespass in order to the committing of an offence punishable with imprisonment, had thrown a shoe at her and had slapped her servant R.
During the course of the investigation the appellant and R refused to be examined at a public hospital, claiming that a private medical practitioner had certified that the appellant had suffered from bleeding incision.
As a judge of the case you would:
A. convict the accused under Section 95 of the IPC
B. acquit the accused under Section 95 of the IPC
C. fine the appellant under Section 95 of the IPC
D. Both (A) and the (C)
Ans. C
307. The accused shot dead his father who was abusing his mother and was going to cut her throat. The accused:
A. acted with vindictive feelings
B. acted so due to the imminent danger to his mother’s life
C. is not guilty
D. (B) and (C)
Ans. D
308. Criminal intimidation by anonymous communication or having taken precaution to conceal whence the threat comes is dealt under-
A. Section 506 of IPC
B. Section 507 of IPC
C. Section 508 of IPC
D. Section 509 of IPC
Ans. B
309. The people of the village S having assembled proceeded to cut the bandh. People of the village K resisted but were turned back. Meanwhile a large crowd collected on both sides, armed with lathis, spears and garases. People of K seeing that the people of S were not likely to listen to their remonstrance, proceeded in a body to prevent the cutting of the bandh to drive them away. There was one man from village S who received fatal injuries and died.
A. the action is well within the bounds of the right to private defence of person and property
B. the conviction of the accused under Section 302 of the IPC, cannot be sustained
C. neither (A) nor (B)
D. both (A) and (B)
Ans. D
310. Person for whose benefit or on whose behalf a riot takes place not using all lawful means to prevent it is dealt under-
A. Section 155 of IPC
B. Section 156 of IPC
C. Section 157 of IPC
D. Section 158 of IPC
Ans. A
311. G’s party was engaged in the peaceful pursuit of worship at their own takhat was busy attending to the Puja for the Nepali pilgrim. At that point of time they were not members of an unlawful assembly. It was the party of A who left their place and came to G’s takhat, presumably raising a dispute over the offerings made by the Nepali pilgrim. They came armed with deadly weapons and one of them inflicted a severe blow on the S and G’s side which resulted in his death and others received as many as 27 serious injuries.
A. G’s party exercise the right to self defence
B. Both G and A’s party cannot claim the right to self defence
C. A’s party had full intention of causing harm
D. Both (A) and (C)
Ans. D
312. Criminal intimidation by anonymous communication or having taken precaution to conceal whence the threat comes is dealt under-
A. Section 506 of IPC
B. Section 507 of IPC
C. Section 508 of IPC
D. Section 509 of IPC
Ans. B
313. Which of the following is true of intent of defraud?
A. a general intention to defraud, without the intention of causing wrongful gain to one person of wrongful loss to another
B. to prove intention of defraud, it is not at all necessary that there should have been some persons defrauded, or who possibly might have been defrauded by his act
C. the word defraud is of double meaning
D. all of them
Ans: D
314. The word ‘document’ as per Section 29 of IPC includes any matter expressed or described upon by any substance:
A. by means of letters, figures or marks only
B. by more than one of those means intended to be used, or which may used, as evidence of that matter
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. none of them
Ans: C
315. Which of the following can be called a ‘document’ as per Section 29 of IPC?
A. banker’s cheque
B. power of attorney
C. map
D. all of them
Ans: D
316. Which of the following conditions are necessary to fulfil the requirements of Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code?
A. the person must be present on the scene of occurrence
B. there must a prior concert or a pre-arranged plan
C. either (A) or (B)
D. both (A) and (B)
Ans: D
317. Making preparation to commit dacoity is dealt under
A. Section 398 of IPC
B. Section 399 of IPC
C. Section 400 of IPC
D. Section 401 of IPC
Ans: B
318. The three accused armed with firearms and Accused 1 with lathi came to the shot of the incident for the purpose of avenging the old enmity. It was alleged that it was on the exhortation made by the Accused 1, not to spare the deceased that the other accused started firing at the deceased. It was held that when all the accused had reached the place of incident for the purpose of avenging the old enmity nurtured by them should they wait for Accused 1 to make exhortation to use the words “don’t allow him to flee and don’t spare him this time.”. Which of the following judgment is the correct judgment regarding the mentioned case?
A. apart from Accused 1 all others were convicted u/ss. 302/34
B. all of them were convicted u/ss. 302/34
C. Accused 1 was accordingly acquitted, as no common intention could be attributed to him.
D. both (A) and (C)
Ans: D
319. Unlawful compulsory labour is dealt under
A. Section 371 of IPC
B. Section 372 of IPC
C. Section 373 of IPC
D. Section 374 of IPC
Ans: D
320. Which of the following conditions must be fulfilled for conviction on circumstantial evidence?
A. the circumstances from which the conclusion is to be drawn should be fully established and not “may be established”
B. the circumstances must be of a conclusive nature and tendency
C. it should exclude every possible hypothesis except the one to be proved
D. all of them
Ans: D
321. Selling or letting to hire a minor for purposes of prostitution, etc is dealt under
A. Section 371 of IPC
B. Section 372 of IPC
C. Section 373 of IPC
D. Section 374 of IPC
Ans: B
322. Which of the following creates a new offence?
A. Section 34 of the IPC
B. Section 35 and Section 36 of the IPC
C. Section 37 of the IPC
D. None of them
Ans: D
333. A, a jailor, has the charge of Z, a prisoner. A, intending to cause Z’s death, illegally omits to supply Z with food; in consequence of which Z is much reduced in strength, but the starvation is not sufficient to cause his death. A is dismissed from his office, B succeeds him. B, without collution with A, illegally omits to supply Z with food, knowing that he is likely thereby to cause Z’s death. Z dies. Which of the following judgment applies to both A and B under Section 37 of the IPC?
A. A is only guilty of an attempt to commit murder while B is guilty of murder
B. A is guilty of murder while B is guilty of an attempt to murder
C. Both A and B are guilty of murder
D. Both A and B are guilty of attempt to murder
Ans: A
334. The act voluntarily done in effect and substance in Section 39, IPC means:
A. act done intentionally
B. act done with the knowledge of end result being crime
C. act done when the doer has a reason to believe that the actus reus would be an offence
D. all of them
Ans: D
335. Abetment of any offence, if the person abetted does the act with a different intention from that of the abettor is dealt under
A. Section 109 of IPC
B. Section 110 of IPC
C. Section 111 of IPC
D. Section 112 of IPC
Ans: B
336. The accused attacked the victim with a spear and the others inflicted blows on legs and arms with lathies.
A. only those accused who used lathies are guilty
B. only the accused who used the spear is guilty
C. each accused must be convicted for the offence of which he is actually found to be guilty
D. all the accused are guilty
Ans: C
337. Which of the following is the test to check whether an offence involves moral turpitude?
A. check whether the act leading to a conviction is such as could shock the moral conscience of the society in general
B. check whether the motive leading to the act was a base one
C. check whether on account of the act having been committed the perpetrator is to be looked down in the society as a depraved man
D. all of them
Ans: D
338. The accused persons noticed someone stealing the crops grown by the accused and beat the thief to death.
A. IPC Section 304 read with IPC Section 34 is applicable in this case
B. IPC Section 304 Pt. II read with IPC Section 35 is application in this case
C. IPC Section 38 is applicable in this case
D. IPC Section 308 is applicable in this case
Ans: C
339. A sets fire, by night, to an inhabited house in a large town, for the purpose of facilitating a robbery and thus causes the death of person.
A. A did not intend to cause any death. It was an accident
B. A is guilty of robbery only
C. If A knew that he was likely to cause he would have done so voluntarily to carry out the robbery
D. None of them
Ans: C
340. Abetment of any offence, when an effect is caused by the act abetted different from that intended by the abettor is dealt under
A. Section 110 of IPC
B. Section 111 of IPC
C. Section 112 of IPC
D. Section 113 of IPC
Ans: D
341. A boy of 13 committed rape on a child 2 years. The accused should be awarded
A. one year R.I. with fine of Rs. 2000
B. three year R.I with fine of Rs. 5000
C. only one year R.I.
D. only fine of Rs. 5000
Ans: A
342. Abetment of any offence, if abettor is present when offence is committed dealt under
A. Section 114 of IPC
B. Section 115 of IPC
C. Section 116 of IPC
D. Section 117 of IPC
Ans: A
343. Concealing a design to commit an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life, if the offence be committed is dealt under
A. Section 117 of IPC
B. Section 118 of IPC
C. Section 119 of IPC
D. Section 120 of IPC
Ans: B
344. A public servant concealing a design to commit an offence which it is his duty to prevent if the offence be committed dealt under
A. Section 117 of IPC
B. Section 118 of IPC
C. Section 119 of IPC
D. Section 120 of IPC
Ans: C
345. Which of the following punishment an offender is liable to under the provision of Section 53, IPC
A. Death and imprisonment for life
B. Imprisonment and fine
C. Forfeiture of property
D. all of them
Ans: D
346. Which of the following punishment have been abolished?
A. Death penalty
B. Whipping
C. Detention in reformatories
D. Both (B) and (C)
Ans: D
347. A public servant concealing a design to commit an offence which it is his duty to prevent if the offence be punishable with death or imprisonment for life is dealt under
A. Section 118 of IPC
B. Section 119 of IPC
C. Section 120 of IPC
D. Section 121 of IPC
Ans: B
348. A public servant concealing a design to commit an offence which it is his duty to prevent if the offence be not committed is dealt under
A. Section 116 of IPC
B. Section 117 of IPC
C. Section 118 of IPC
D. Section 119 of IPC
Ans: D
349. Abetment of an offence punishable with imprisonment, if the abettor or the person abetted be a public servant, whose duty is to prevent the offence is dealt under
A. Section 116 of IPC
B. Section 117 of IPC
C. Section 118 of IPC
D. Section 119 of IPC
Ans: A
350. Which of the following is false of Section 67 of the IPC?
A. the imprisonment so awarded shall be simple
B. fine not exceeding Rs. 50 – term not exceeding 4 months
C. fine exceeding Rs. 100 to any amount – term not exceeding 6 months
D. the term shall not in any case be in excess of the Magistrate’s powers under S. 32 of Cr. PC
Ans: B
351. Criminal conspiracy to commit an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or rigorous imprisonment for a term of 2 years or upwards is dealt under
A. Section 119B of IPC
B. Section 120B of IPC
C. Section 121B of IPC
D. Section 122B of IPC
Ans: B
352. Waging or attempting to wage war, or abetting the waging of war, against the Government of India is dealt under
A. Section 121 of IPC
B. Section 122 of IPC
C. Section 123 of IPC
D. Section 124 of IPC
Ans: A
353. Collecting arms, etc, with the intention of waging war against the Government of India is dealt under
A. Section 120 of IPC
B. Section 121 of IPC
C. Section 122 of IPC
D. Section 123 of IPC
Ans: C
354. Assaulting President Governor, etc, with intent to compel or restrain the exercise of any lawful power is dealt under
A. Section 123 of IPC
B. Section 124 of IPC
C. Section 125 of IPC
D. Section 126 of IPC
Ans: B
355. A sees Z commit what appears to A to be a murder. A, in the exercise to the best of his judgment exerted in good faith, of the power which the law gives to all persons of apprehending murderers in the act, seizes Z, in order to bring Z before the proper authorities.
A. A has committed an offence, while Z was acting in self-defence
B. Both A and Z committed an offence.
C. A has committed no offence, though it may turn out that Z was acting in self-defence
D. None of them
Ans: C
356. A is at work with a hatchet; he head flies off and kills who is standing by
A. A’s act is excusable
B. A’s act is unpardonable
C. A’s act is one of deliberate act
D. None of them
Ans: A
357. A, in a great fire pulls down houses in order to prevent the conflagration from spreading. He does this with the intention in good faith of saving human life or property.
A. A is not guilty
B. A is guilty
C. The action was intentional
D. Both (A) and (C)
Ans: A
358. In a case the accused was alleged to kill four children at a time. He raised the plea of insanity.
A. the plea is to be reject outright
B. the plea is to be considered only after the prosecution succeeds in proving the case against the accused
C. the plea is must be considered putting aside the arguments of the prosecution
D. None of them
Ans: B
359. A and Z agrees to fence each other for amusement. In the course of fencing, without any foul play, A hurts Z.
A. A is guilty of offence
B. Both are guilty for indulging in a violent game
C. A is not guilty of any offence
D. None of them
Ans: C
360. A in good faith for his child’s benefit without the consent of his child cut for the stone by a surgeon knowing it to be likely that the operation will cause the child’s death, but not intending to cause the child’s death.
A. A is guilty as he acted without the consent of his child attracts punishment as per Section 89 of IPC
B. A is guilty as he knowingly caused the death of his child and attracts punishment Section 89 of IPC
C. A is within the exception of Section 89 of IPC as inasmuch his object was the cure of his child
D. None of them
Ans: C
361. Wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot, if rioting be committed is dealt under
A. Section 152 of IPC
B. Section 153 of IPC
C. Section 154 of IPC
D. Section 155 of IPC
Ans: B
362. Imputations, assertions prejudicial to national integration is dealt under
A. Section 153B of IPC
B. Section 154B of IPC
C. Section 155B of IPC
D. Section 156B of IPC
Ans: A
363. Agent of owner or occupier for whose benefit a riot is committed not using all lawful means to prevent it is dealt under
A. Section 154 of IPC
B. Section 155 of IPC
C. Section 156 of IPC
D. Section 157 of IPC
Ans: C
364. Being hired to take part in an unlawful assembly or riot is dealt under
A. Section 156 of IPC
B. Section 157 of IPC
C. Section 158 of IPC
D. Section 159 of IPC
Ans: C
365. Committing affray is dealt under
A. Section 159 of IPC
B. Section 160 of IPC
C. Section 161 of IPC
D. Section 162 of IPC
Ans: B
366. Public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause injury is dealt under
A. Section 166 of IPC
B. Section 167 of IPC
C. Section 168 of IPC
D. Section 169 of IPC
Ans: B
367. Public servant unlawfully buying or bidding for property is dealt under
A. Section 169 of IPC
B. Section 170 of IPC
C. Section 171 of IPC
D. Section 172 of IPC
Ans: A
368. Wearing garb or carrying token used by public servant with fraudulent intent is dealt under
A. Section 168 of IPC
B. Section 169 of IPC
C. Section 171 of IPC
D. Section 172 of IPC
Ans: C
369. Undue influence at an election is dealt under
A. Section 168 F of IPC
B. Section 169 F of IPC
C. Section 170 F of IPC
D. Section 171 F of IPC
Ans: D
370. Criminal intimidation and if threat be to cause death or grievous hurt, etc is dealt under
A. Section 505 of IPC
B. Section 506 of IPC
C. Section 507 of IPC
D. Section 508 of IPC
Ans: B
371. A disabled man having only one hand was attacked by a strong man by bamboos. The disabled man, a tea garden labourer fought for his life and hit the aggressor by the pen-knife resulting in his death.
A. the man acted was well within the bounds of his right to self defence
B. the man exceeded the bounds of the right to self defence
C. the man is guilty of manslaughter
D. both (B) and (C)
Ans: A
372. Owner or occupier of land not giving information of riot, etc is dealt under
A. Section 152 of IPC
B. Section 153 of IPC
C. Section 154 of IPC
D. Section 155 of IPC
Ans: C
373. Two parties A and B gather together for free fight in order to settle a land dispute and in the process end up inflicting injuries on one another. Here:
A. the plea of private defence of property is valid
B. the plea of self defence is valid
C. the plea of private defence of any kind is invalid
D. none of them
Ans: C
374. In a certain case in revision by accused against conviction and sentence under Section 279, IPC, the provisional Court on maintaining conviction added a direction to RTO to cancel his license. It was held that it is enhancement of sentence and no such enhancement is legal without notice to accused.
A. Md. Shabir v. State of Maharashtra, 1978
B. Ranji Lai Modi v. State of U.P. Air 1957 Section 620
C. Mithu v. State of Punjab, AIR 1983 Section 473
D. Gian Kaur v. States of Punjab, Air 1996 Section 946
Ans: A
375. Insult intended to provoke breach of the peace is dealt under
A. Section 500 of IPC
B. Section 501 of IPC
C. Section 502 of IPC
D. Section 504 of IPC
Ans: D
376. ‘S’ is found in possession of property reasonably suspected to be stolen by him and is arrested by ‘P’, a police officer. ‘S’ is excited to sudden and violent passion by the arrest and fires at him but kills ‘D’ who was standing near ‘P’, neither intending nor knowing himself to be likely to kill ‘D’. This is:
(a) culpable homicide not amounting to murder, because ‘S’ had been deprived of the power of self-control by grave and sudden provocation
(b) murder, because provocation was given by a thing done by a public servant in lawful discharge of his powers
(c) culpable homicide not amounting to murder, because the death of ‘D’ occurred by mistake or accident
(d) none of these.
Ans. (b)
377. Consider the following statements. To constitute abetment, it is:
(a) necessary that the act abetted must be committed
(b) not necessary that the act abetted must be committed
(c) necessary that the person abetted must have the same intention or knowledge as that of the abettor
Which of the statements given above represent(s) the correct position of law?
(a) Only (b)
(b) Both (b) and (c)
(c) Only (a)
(d) Only (c).
Ans. (a)
388. Consider the following statements. To constitute abetment, it is:
(a) every murder is culpable homicide
(b) every culpable homicide is murder
(c) every robbery is either theft or extortion
(d) every extortion is robbery
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) (a) and (c)
(b) (b) and (c)
(c) (a) and (d)
(d) (b) and (d).
Ans. (a)
389. With respect to the difference between kidnapping from lawful guardianship and abduction which of the following statements is correct:
(a) Kidnapping is committed only in respect of a minor or a person of unsound mind. Abduction is committed in respect of a person of any age.
(b) In former, the person kidnapped is removed out of lawful guardianship. Abduction has reference exclusively to the person abducted.
(c) In kidnapping, consent of the person kidnapped or enticed is immaterial. In abduction, consent of the person moved, if freely and voluntarily given, condones abduction.
(d) All these.
Ans. (d)
390. ‘A’ and ‘Z’, both adults, agree to engage each other in fencing for amusement. In course of such fencing, without any foul play, ‘A’ causes a superficial hurt to “Z”. Here, ‘A’:
(a) is guilty of causing hurt by sharp edged weapon as he attacked ‘Z’
(b) is not guilty as there is an implied consent on the part of ‘Z’ to suffer such harm
(c) is guilty because fencing is a dangerous sport
(d) both (1) and (3).
Ans. (b)
391. Which Section of the Indian Penal Code codifies, in the field of criminal law, the maxim: ‘de minimis non curat lex’:
(a) Section 85, IPC
(b) Section 88, IPC
(c) Section 95, IPC
(d) Section 96, IPC.
Ans. (c)
392. The doctrine of Necessity has been elaborately considered in the landmark decision of:
(a) R. v. McNaghten, (1843) 8 Eng Rep 718
(b) Basdev v. State of PEPSU, AIR 1956 SC 488
(c) R. v. Dudley and Stephens, (1884) 14 QBD 273
(d) Bimbadar Pradhan v. State of Orissa, AIR 1956 SC 469.
Ans. (c)
393. H takes property belonging to S out of the possession of S in good faith, believing at the time when he takes it, that the property belongs to himself. Later on realizing his mistake, H continues to appropriate the property to his own use. H has committed the offence of:
(a) Robbery
(b) Criminal breach of trust
(c) Criminal Misappropriation
(d) Cheating.
Ans. (c)
394. Under Section 44 of I.P.C. the term ‘Injury’ means any harm:
(a) Illegally caused to a person in body and mind
(b) Illegally caused to a person in body and property
(c) Illegally caused to a person in body, mind, reputation or property
(d) Illegally caused to a person in body, mind and reputation.
Ans. (c)
395. Under the Indian Penal Code, an act may be an offence under the Code, but for the existence of a justification which may form a defence. Which of the following is not such a defence:
(a) Act done by a child under seven years of age
(b) Act done by a person of unsound mind
(c) Act done by a child of immature understanding, above seven years and under twelve in age
(d) Act done outside the territorial limits of India.
Ans. (d)
396. Consider the following statements:
(1) ‘A’ willfully by a misrepresentation misled a police officer to arrest ‘B’ instead of ‘C’
(2) ‘A’ instigates ‘B’ to murder ‘C’, ‘B’ refuses to do so
(3) ‘A’ instigates ‘B’ to murder ‘D’, ‘B’ stabs ‘D’. ‘D’ survives from wound
Which of the above constitute the offence of abetment?
(a) (1), (2) and (3)
(b) (1) and (3) only
(c) (2) and (3) only
(d) (1) and (2) only.
Ans. (a)
397. A and B both are of 16 years of age. A entices B for marriage and takes her to another city. What offence has been committed by A:
(a) A has committed kidnapping
(b) A has committed no offence as B has gone with her own consent
(c) A has committed abduction
(d) A is himself minor. Hence A has commit no offence.
Ans. (a)
398. Assertion (A): The essence of joint liability under section 149 of the IPC is that the criminal act must have been done with a view to fulfill the common object of an unlawful assembly. Reason (R): Any sudden and provocative act done by a member of an unlawful assembly would render the other members of that assembly liable:
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true.
Ans. (c)
399. Assertion (A): In a criminal trial, the accused and the defendant mean the same thing Reason (R): It depends which way you look, for the prosecution a person is accused, for the person he is defendant against the accusation:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, R is false
(d) A is false, R is true.
Ans. (a)
400. Assertion (A): X, because of unsound state of mind and not knowing the nature of the act, attacks Y, who in self-defense and in order to ward off the attack hits him thereby injuring him. Y has not committed an offence. Reason (R): Y had a right of private defense against X under the Indian Penal Code:
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Ans. (a)
For Question No. 401 to 536, click here.
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