Jurisprudence Notes, Case Laws and Study Materials

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The word jurisprudence derives from the Latin term juris prudentia, which means “the study, knowledge, or science of law.” In the United States jurisprudence commonly means the philosophy of law.

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What is Jurisprudence?

TopicLink To Notes
Nature and Scope of Jurisprudence View Here
Classification of LawView Here
Purpose and Function of LawView Here
Administration of JusticeView Here
Legal JusticeView Here
Law as an Instrument of Social ChangeView Here
Law as a Product of Tradition and Culture in IndiaView Here
Contemporary Legal Issues in IndiaView Here

Basics of Jurisprudence

TopicLink To Notes
Law According to John AustinView Here
John Salmond’s Definition of LawView Here
Do ‘Law’ and ‘Justice’ have different Meanings?View Here
Jurisprudence and its Relevance in Contemporary TimesView Here
The Hart and Fuller DebateView Here
Distributive Justice: Concept and Application in various Legal SystemsView Here
Concept of Corrective Justice: Meaning and AnalysisView Here
Compensatory JurisprudenceView Here
Application of the Concept of Social Justice in IndiaView Here
Mens Rea in Statutory OffencesView Here
Morality and Law: A Critical EvaluationView Here
Study of Dharma in The Light of Hindu JurisprudenceView Here
Theory of Utilitarianism: A Critical AnalysisView Here
Mahabharata Through the Eyes of Indian LawsView Here
Social Contract TheoryView Here
Concept of Legal PluralismView Here
Does Arbitration Hinder the Growth of Common Law Jurisprudence?View Here
Application of Concept of Social Justice in IndiaView Here
Relationship Between Decency and MoralityView Here
Relationship Between Law and LibertyView Here
Judicial Activism and Public Interest LitigationView Here
Relation Between Law and Public OpinionView Here
TopicLink To Notes
Schools of JurisprudenceView Here
Natural Law School TheoriesView Here
Historical School of JurisprudenceView Here
Analytical School of JurisprudenceView Here
Realist School of JurisprudenceView Here
Volksgeist TheoryView Here

Concept and Sources of Law

TopicLink To Notes
Sources of Law: Meaning and TypesView Here
Custom: Definition, Types and EssentialView Here
Customary Law in IndiaView Here
Legislation as A Source of LawView Here
What are Precedents and Precedents as a Source of LawView Here
Ratio Decidendi and Obiter DictaView Here
Juristic Writings as a Source of LawView Here
Common Law vs Civil LawView Here
Equity Law in IndiaView Here

Legal Status of Persons

TopicLink To Notes
Legal Status of Unborn Children in IndiaView Here
Legal status and Rights of Unborn PersonsView Here
Legal Status and Rights of Lunatic and Drunken PersonView Here
Legal Status of a Dead PersonView Here
Position and Legal Status of Minor in IndiaView Here
Legal Rights of AnimalsView Here
Jallikattu and Animals Rights in IndiaView Here
Animal Cruelty and Laws Dealing with Protection of Animal RightsView Here
Corporate PersonalityView Here
Legal Status of Corporate PersonalityView Here
Theories of Corporate PersonalitiesView Here

Rights and Duties

TopicLink To Notes
Legal Rights: Nature, Characteristics, KindsView Here
Theories of Legal RightsView Here
Hohfeld’s Analysis of Legal RightsView Here
Incorporeal RightsView Here
Rights in Re PropriaView Here
Ubi jus ibi remediumView Here
Right in Rem and Right in PersonamView Here
Concept of Duties in JurisprudenceView Here
Correlation between Rights and Duties in JurisprudenceView Here
Liability in JurisprudenceView Here
Conflict Between Interest and DutyView Here

Ownership, Possession and Property

TopicLink To Notes
Ownership in Jurisprudence: Meaning, Kinds, Incidents and Relevance in Contemporary TimesView Here
Concept of Possession of Property in IndiaView Here
Concept of Property and types of PropertyView Here
Laws Dealing with Transfer of Property in IndiaView Here
Difference Between Possession and OwnershipView Here

Concept of Punishment

TopicLink To Notes
Theories of PunishmentView Here
Expiatory Theory of PunishmentView Here
Constitutionality of Capital PunishmentView Here
Reformative Theory of Punishment in IndiaView Here

Important Doctrines and Theories

TopicLink To Notes
Doctrine of Double EffectView Here
Doctrine of LachesView Here
Grundnorm and Its Application in IndiaView Here
Equivalence Theory of JusticeView Here
Suo Motu Cognizance TheoryView Here
Dworkin’s Theory of JusticeView Here
Aristotle’s Theory of JusticeView Here
Law and MoralityView Here
Roscoe Pound’s Theory of Social EngineeringView Here
Doctrine of Stare DecisisView Here
Doctrine of Per IncuriamView Here
Doctrine of Ejusdem GenerisView Here
Reddendo Singula SingulisView Here
Argumentum Ad HominemView Here
Austin’s Theory of SovereigntyView Here
Judicial Activism and OverreachView Here
What is Judicial Overreach?View Here

For books on Jurisprudence, click here.

For notes on other subjects, click here.

For case briefs and analysis, click here.


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