Administrative Law Notes

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We understand that finding all the Administrative Law notes in one place can be tricky, so we’ve tried to put everything you need in one spot.

Administrative Law is all about the rules for how government agencies work. It covers things like how these agencies are set up, what they can and can’t do, the steps they follow when making decisions, and what you can do if your rights are affected by their actions.

We hope these Administrative Law notes are helpful. If you think we missed something important or just want to say thanks, please use the form provided.

If you’re looking for Administrative Law books, you can find them by clicking here.

Introduction to Administrative Law

TopicLink to Notes
Relationship Between Constitutional Law and Administrative LawView Here
Reasons for the Growth of Administrative LawView Here
Administrative Action- Meaning, Classification And ControlView Here
Administrative Actions: Meaning, Nature, Scope and SignificanceView Here
Evolution of the Rule of Law in IndiaView Here
Rule of Law and its Application in IndiaView Here
Doctrine of Separation of Powers and its relevance in Contemporary TimesView Here
Droit AdministratifView Here
Ivor Jennings’ Definition of Administrative LawView Here

Delegated Legislation

TopicLink to Notes
Delegated Legislation in USA: An OverviewView Here
Delegated Legislation in United Kingdom- Administrative LawView Here
Delegated Legislation in India: An AnalysisView Here
Classification of Delegated LegislationView Here
Conditional Legislation in IndiaView Here
Excessive Delegation Under Administrative LawView Here

Administrative Adjudication

TopicLink to Notes
Administrative Adjudication: Meaning, Features and GrowthView Here
Tribunals and Types of Tribunals in IndiaView Here
Ombudsman in Administrative LawView Here
Speaking Order in Administrative LawView Here

Administrative Directions

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All about Administrative Directions and its EnforceabilityView Here

Administrative Discretions

TopicLink to Notes
Administrative Discretion: Meaning and Grounds of ControlView Here
Judicial Control of Administrative Discretion – Control at the Stage of Delegation of DiscretionView Here

Natural Justice

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Principles of Natural Justice and Constitution of IndiaView Here
Rule Against BiasView Here
Audi Alteram Partem in Administrative LawView Here
Exceptions and Exclusions to Principles of Natural JusticeView Here

Review of Administrative Actions and Remedies

TopicLink to Notes
Judicial Review of Administrative Actions by WritsView Here
What is Writ and How to File Writ Petitions?View Here
Judicial Review of Administrative ActionsView Here
Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation in Administrative LawView Here
Doctrine of Reasonableness in Administrative LawView Here
Doctrine of Proportionality in Administrative LawView Here
Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel and it’s Applicability in IndiaView Here
Judicial Review of Administrative ActionsView Here
Judicial Review of Administrative Actions by WritsView Here
Remedies against Administrative ActionView Here

Liability of Administration

TopicLink to Notes
Contractual Liability of the Administration in IndiaView Here
Doctrine of Sovereign ImmunityView Here
Tortious Liability of the State and Article 300 of the ConstitutionView Here

Note: For books on Administrative Law, click here.

For notes on other subjects, click here.

For case briefs and analysis, click here.


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