CLAT LLM Exam Pattern: Mode, Marking Scheme, Number of Questions

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The Consortium of National Law Universities (CNLUs) has given the CLAT 2023 exam pattern. Candidates by referring to the exam pattern of CLAT 2023 may understand the question paper pattern and prepare accordingly. The pattern informs about the types of questions that may be asked in CLAT 2023, marking scheme, subject wise marks distribution and other important details. As per the CLAT exam pattern, the test will be conducted in offline mode, and objective type questions will be asked in the question paper. The test duration will be 120 minutes. 

CLAT LLM marking scheme

Each question in CLAT 2023 carries one mark. A negative marking of one mark per question will also be applicable in case of incorrect answers. Questions that are unattempted will not have any negative marking.

CLAT PG syllabus

The question paper for CLAT LLM exam will be based on following subjects.

SubjectsTotal number of MCQ questionsMarks
Constitutional Law6060
Other Law Subjects, including Contract, Torts, Criminal Law, International Law, IPR and Jurisprudence.6060

For a detailed syllabus for CLAT Exam, refer to this article.

Question Pattern for CLAT PG Exam

Total number of questions120
Total number of marks120
Type of questionsMultiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)
Negative MarkingYes

Objective Section

In this section of the PG-CLAT 2023, you will be provided extracts from primary legal materials such as important court decisions in various fields of law, statutes or regulations. Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate the:

  • Ability to read and comprehend the issues discussed in the passage, as well as any arguments and viewpoints discussed or set out in the passage;
  • Awareness of the issues discussed in the passage, as well as of legal issues and facts related to and arising out of the passage and the judgment or statute from which it is extracted;
  • Summarise the passage; and
  • Ability to apply your knowledge of the fields of law discussed in the passage.

Books for CLAT PG Exam

Eligible candidates should start their preparation as early as possible. They should refer the right books for CLAT PG and also solve previous year’s exam papers as per the CLAT Syllabus.

To refer the booklist for CLAT LLM exam, click here.

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