VACANCY | Chair Professor & Researchers in Child Rights at NLUO: Apply by Sep 30

About National Law University Odisha (NLUO)
The National Law University Odisha (NLUO) is a vibrant addition to India’s national law universities. Within the short span, NLUO has made its mark as a university engaged in teaching and research in law. Faculty research output has always been of a very high standard, yielding among others several top-tier international publications.
About the Job
National Law University Odisha (NLUO) invites applications for contractual teaching and research positions in the Centre for Child Rights. The available positions are as follows: one Chair Professor in Child Rights and two Researchers in Child Rights. These appointments fall under the ‘Chief Minister’s Chair Professor’ scheme, offering a yearly contract extendable up to a maximum of five years.
Applicants in current employment must follow proper channel procedures for application. No TA/DA/accommodation will be provided for attending interviews. For updates on the recruitment process, candidates are advised to regularly check the university’s website.
Interested applicants should ensure their applications, are complete with all educational and experience certificates.
It is important to note that reservations (only for the position of Researcher in Child Rights) for SC, ST, and SEBC categories are applicable exclusively to candidates with Odisha domicile, and caste certificates must be obtained from the competent authority within the state. Women and PWD candidates will also benefit from horizontal reservations as per norms for the position of Researcher in Child Rights.
Candidates who applied previously to Advt No: NLUO/FR/NT-002/12.05.2023 should reapply, including the Demand Draft and necessary documents.
Chair Professor in Child Rights- Academic Level 14 with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 1,44,200/-)
Researchers in Child Rights- Academic Level 10 with Rationalized Entry Pay of Rs. 57,700/
Last Date To Apply
September 30
Application Procedure
Click Here To Apply.
Interested applicants should ensure their applications, complete with all educational and experience certificates, reach the university’s Registrar by Speed/Registered Post by 30th September 2023. Alongside the application, candidates are required to enclose a Demand Draft of Rs. 1,000/- drawn from any scheduled bank, payable to Registrar, National Law University, Odisha, at Cuttack.
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