Trademark Registration in India: Overview, Process And Benefits

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A trademark is a unique symbol, word, or combination of both, which is used to represent a product or service of a particular business. Trademark registration is an essential aspect of intellectual property protection for businesses in India. In this article, we will provide an overview of the trademark registration process in India, its benefits, and how it can help businesses protect their brand including detailed knowledge on the Trademark Objection.


The Indian Trademark Act, 1999, governs trademark registration in India. The Act provides legal protection to registered trademarks and prevents unauthorized use of a trademark by others. The trademark registration process in India is governed by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM).


The trademark registration process in India is a multi-step process, which can take up to 18 months. Here are the steps involved in the process:

  1. Trademark Search: Before filing a trademark registration application, it is essential to conduct a thorough search to ensure that the trademark is available for registration. A trademark search helps to identify any potential conflicts with existing trademarks.
  • Trademark Application: Once the trademark search is complete, the application for trademark registration can be filed with the Indian Trademark Office. The application must include the trademark, the class of goods or services, and the name and address of the applicant.
  • Examination: After the trademark application is filed, it is examined by the Registry of Trademarks. The examination includes a review of the application for completeness and compliance with the trademark registration requirements.
  • Publication: If the trademark application is found to be in compliance with the trademark registration requirements, it is published in the Trademarks Journal. The publication provides an opportunity for the public to oppose the trademark registration within 4 months from the publication date.
  • Registration: If no opposition is filed, the trademark registration certificate is issued by the Trademark Registry. The certificate is valid for ten years and can be renewed indefinitely.


Trademark registration provides several benefits to businesses, including:

  • Legal Protection: Trademark registration provides legal protection to the trademark owner and prevents others from using a similar trademark for similar goods or services.
  • Brand Recognition: Trademark registration helps to establish a brand and differentiate it from the competitors. It helps customers to recognize and associate the trademark with the business.
  • Commercial Value: Trademark registration can increase the commercial value of a business by providing an intangible asset that can be used as collateral for loans and other financial transactions.
  • Nationwide Protection: Trademark registration provides nationwide protection, which means that the trademark owner can prevent others from using a similar trademark throughout India.

Trademark Objection

Trademark objection is a situation where the trademark application is challenged by the Trademark Registrar, citing various reasons for objection. The following are the reasons for trademark objection:

  • Similarity with Existing Trademarks: The Trademark Registrar can object to a trademark application if it is too similar to an already registered trademark. The registrar may feel that the new trademark might cause confusion among consumers, leading to trademark infringement.
  • Descriptive or Generic Trademarks: The Trademark Registrar may object to a trademark application if it is too generic or descriptive. A trademark is supposed to be distinctive and unique, which helps consumers differentiate between products or services. If the trademark is too generic or descriptive, the registrar might consider it too common to be a trademark.
  • Offensive or Scandalous Trademarks: The Trademark Registrar can object to a trademark application if it is offensive or scandalous in nature. The trademark should not contain any derogatory or obscene terms or designs that might harm the sentiments of any individual or community.
  • Geographical Indications: The Trademark Registrar can object to a trademark application if it consists of a geographical indication. A geographical indication means any name or symbol that represents a specific geographic location or origin of goods. Any unauthorized use of such indications may lead to confusion among the consumers and is therefore not permitted.
  • Deceptive Trademarks: The Trademark Registrar can object to a trademark application if it is considered to be misleading or deceptive. A trademark should not contain any misleading or false information, which may lead to confusion among the consumers.
  • Improper Use of Emblems or Names: The Trademark Registrar can object to a trademark application if it contains any emblem or name that is protected by law or belongs to the government or any public authority.

Bonus Points: Trademark objection can cause significant delays and expenses for businesses. It is important to avoid any potential issues by conducting a thorough trademark search before filing an application. It is also essential to create a unique and distinctive trademark that does not infringe on any existing trademarks or violate any regulations. By taking the necessary precautions, businesses can ensure a smooth and efficient trademark registration process.


Trademark registration is a crucial aspect of intellectual property protection for businesses in India. Trademark Registration Process in India can be lengthy and complicated, but the benefits are significant. Trademark registration provides legal protection, establishes brand recognition, increases commercial value, and provides nationwide protection. If you are a business owner, it is highly recommended to protect your brand by registering your trademark in India.

The write-up has been prepared by Compliance Calendar LLP. You can read more about Trademark Registration Process in detail here. For any queries, feel free to book a consultation at [email protected] | 9988424211

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